Sheet face masks review: innisfree it’s real gold kiwi mask

Last night I was still unpacking all my things after a house move a week ago.  I came across a stash of individual sheet face masks which I use to love doing on a regular basis but with All my childcare duties of my young babies this has been extremly difficult to keep ontop from once every three days to non since babies where born.

Now my daughters have their own room i have so call started my faffing routine or try to restart it as my self maintenance me time to unwind.  Yeah >.<  as friends will know I absolutely get side tracked of time when I start as I always find other things I need to do to look after my skin.

Last night I tried Innisfree: it’s real gold kiwi mask this product was bought in Korea from a friend and I am sure that I remember her saying these masks are so popular over there and they have shops that just sell all different types of masks to suit any skin concerns and problems, so a trip over there is a must must to any beauty mad person.

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After cleansing and toning routine I used eyecream, serum and face cream then put the mask ontop.

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